The Role of Mobile Technology in Adaptive Instruction

R.Y.-L. Ting (Taiwan)


Mobile learning, pedagogy, mobile communication, and adaptive instruction


Adaptive instruction is aimed at accommodating individual differences, and its success is promising because of the advance of technologies in computer assisted instruction and artificial intelligence. The previous role of learning technologies is to support the implementation of designed adaptive instructional system. However, learning is a contextual process of knowledge delivery and codification, and such transactional process has been advanced with the innovative information and communication technologies. The technical innovation has changed the way human learn and hence the corresponding learning theory. Especially in the domain of mobile learning, such technical and pedagogical innovation has fostered the discussion regarding the role of mobile technology in supporting adaptive instruction in this study. A model is also proposed. The model not only presents the needs of incorporating the mobile technical varieties into the design of adaptive instructional system, but also proposes the collaboration between the fields of education and technology. The proposed model can serve as a theoretical framework for constructing a better adaptive instructional system by leveraging the available resources in both pedagogical and technical fields.

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