Social Reading Activities using Print-based Digital Content Interfaces

D. Turk, J. Brine, and K. Kanev (Japan)


Jigsaw method, reading, digitally-enhanced paper, cluster pattern encoding.


This paper investigates the potential pedagogic application of digitally-enhanced print-based interfaces for the support of reading. We devised a combined individual and social jigsaw reading activity in order to extend student reading skills beyond basic document content comprehension. Using the modified jigsaw approach, students read complex authentic technical texts to sequence a text. The students were observed during the activity and they were asked to report the computer-based applications that they used or would have liked to use to support their reading of the text. We then evaluated the potential pedagogic application of the Cluster Pattern Interface (CLUSPI) [1] for enhancing the activity. CLUSPI is a cluster pattern-based encoding scheme that allows digitally encoded information to be embedded in a layer of clustered graphical objects on printed documents. Such digitally-enhanced paper materials might provide students with additional up-to-date information and timely access to various language learning tools.

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