A Haptics Approach to Evidence based Learning

Z. Visram, B. Elson, and P. Reynolds (UK)


Mobile devices, Virtual reality, Simulation and Visualisation, Virtual schools and Universities, web lecturing technology, Learning Object development.


Due to the demands for continuous improvement in the quality of life, there is a need for surgeon’s to improve their ability to perform surgical procedures. Robot assisted surgery has enhanced their expertise in this matter. However, despite these advantages, further progress has been inhibited by the lack of haptic (force, touch and tactile) feedback to the surgeon[18]. This is essential, as students need to learn how to apply the exact force during surgical procedures. There is also a need for an environment, which allows professional to update their surgical skills and complete accredited courses, in their own time and location. Following this demand the information engineering group, in combination with dental schools, designed a conceptual framework, which enables practitioner’s to perform remote surgery and improve their surgical skills. This framework is termed the Object oriented Haptic approach to Evidence Based learning, Just-in-time, via Internet sustained by Reusable Learning Objects (The OHEBJIRLO Progression). The technology which enables this concept is pivoted on Object oriented, Haptic and wireless technology, which allow practitioners to learn surgical procedures by performing surgical simulations on virtual patients. The framework also allows for specialised accredited training to be completed remotely.

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