Decision Theorem for Construction of Adaptive Hypermedia System

M. Bures and I. Jelinek (Czech Republic)


Adaptive Hypermedia, User Model


An adaptive hypermedia system keeps characteristics of particular students and adapts its output in accord to them. Such characteristic can be level of student's knowledge of particular information domain, type of target device, specific preferences and needs of student (for example the disabled) and many others. There are several adaptation techniques (adaptive features), which define adaptive behavior of system. Student's characteristic is stored in user model. Simple cases of described adaptive behavior can be implemented by simple variants of system output, which can spare an initial implementation overhead of adaptive hypermedia system core application. Such approach can be advantageous at begin of the project, but future maintenance and changes of such implementation leads to serious overhead. Where is a turning point, when starts to being advantageous to implement a full adaptive hypermedia system? Theorem proposed in this article should help to answer this question. This theorem is based on comparison of implementation overhead approximations for the both mentioned variants of implementation.

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