Electronic Health Record for Scoliosis Management

D. Hill, M. Fedorak, E. Lou, M. Moreau, J. Mahood, and V. James Raso (Canada)


bioinformatics, database, scoliosis, electronic health record, Bluetooth Wireless, Privacy Impact Assessment


: Scoliosis is the most common spinal deformity in children. The deformity occurs in varying severity in all three planes: back-front; side-to-side; top to-bottom. About 80% of cases are idiopathic, that is a specific cause is not known. Treatment decisions and timing are optimized with an electronic health record (EHR) providing the entire patient's history and calculated risk factors while the patient is still at the clinic. The EHR consists of a tablet or a Bluetooth® or Wi-Fi enabled laptop or PC and handheld personal data assistant (PDA). Each patient has a profile in the EHR, which has all of her clinical history. The surgeon can view the entire clinical history of the patient while in the examination room and at the same time enter in any new measurements and comments for the current examination. After seeing the patient the surgeon prints a record for the chart. This EHR improves both efficiency and accuracy, and can save significant time, as there is less duplication of work and no dictation is required. Data can be combined from remote sites and 'mined' to extract specific parameters to address clinical or research questions.

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