Behavioral Modeling of Semiconductor Devices Taking into Account the Thermoelectrical Effect using VHDL-AMS

R. Mortezaee, Gh.R. Karimi, S. Mirzakochaki, and M. Malekshahi (Iran)


Methodology, Semiconductor devices, VHDL-AMS, thermal effect.


The goal of this paper is to describe a methodology for modeling and simulation of thermal effects in semiconductor devices. This paper presents an application of the new standard of VHDL language: VHDL-AMS in the field of thermal effect in semiconductor devices. The principles, techniques and methodology used to achieve the design of an analytical third generation Spice transistor MOS model named EKV are presented, taking into account the thermoelectrical effect with VHDL AMS, and with relevant parameters set to match a deep submicron technology. The models were validated using System Vision software from Mentor Graphics.

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