Two Complementary Approaches to Modelling a Biosensor

N.D. Botkin, O.A. Pykhteev, B.N. Starovoitova, V.L. Turova, and K.-H. Hoffmann (Germany)


Love wave biosensor, multi-layered structures, dispersion relations, surface acoustic waves


The paper outlines two approaches to the modelling of a biosensor which serves for the detection and quantitative measurement of microscopic amounts of biological sub stances. The operation principle of this device is based on the excitation, propagation, and detection of acoustic sur face shear waves in a multilayered structure that contacts a fluid containing a protein to be detected. The mathemat ical model of such a structure involves large systems of coupled partial differential equations that describe piezo electric, elastic, and hydrodynamic properties of the struc ture. Because of the short wavelength, the implementation of such a model with finite elements in three dimensions re quires a very fine mesh and, therefore, forces to use parallel computing. Thus, it would be useful to have a simple tool for a fast preliminary analysis which would provide infor mation about the structure of solutions. The paper presents such a tool developed using harmonic analysis techniques that are based on the construction of travelling wave solu tions in the multilayered structure of the biosensor under assumption that the structure is unbounded in horizontal and downward directions. These assumptions are reason able because the real biosensor chip is embedded up to the surface into a very viscose damping medium to exclude the reflection of waves on side and bottom faces, which imi tates the above mentioned unboundedness.

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