A Knowledge-based System for the Determination of Material Response States

Y.M. Haddad (Canada)


Material, Response state, Identification, Quantitative, Non-destructive, Pattern recognition


The mechanical response state of an engineering material is determined; using quantitative non-destructive testing combined with “pattern recognition and classification” methodologies. In the pertaining experimental procedure, stress waves are “simulated” in the microstructure of the material to resemble acoustic-emission waves but without disrupting the material, i.e., without a simultaneous application of an external loading. The presented approach aims at determining quantitatively the mechanical response states in homogeneous and heterogeneous classes of engineering materials that were subjected a priori to unknown static, quasi-static and dynamic types of loading. The experimental results pertinent to a number of these studies are presented in the paper. The presented approach has proven to be convenient, powerful and efficient. It has also the strong potential of determining non-destructively the ultimate strength of the material in a quantitative manner.

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