MILP Application in Analysis of Energy and Equipment Price Influence on Selection of Optimal Energy System in Residences

K. Pantovic (Serbia and Montenegro)


LCC, MILP, present value, energy savings, optimization


Energy system of two-family residential building, located in Kragujevac, Serbia & Montenegro is optimized for energy, equipment and building element prices valid at Serbian and German market in year 2000. This system includes use of energy for space heating/cooling, cooking, heating of domestic water, lighting and running of appliances. Then, various types of energy and equipment may be used. The mathematical model is linearized and optimized by using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) where the objective function is the Life Cycle Cost (LCC). The scope of investigation includes model analysis for different types of building elements i.e. insulation and windows and different energy and equipment prices. At Serbian energy market, equipment and windows cost represents the highest amount in LCC. Also low electricity price related to that of other energies has the greatest influence on selection of optimal energy mix and equipment selection in residences. This has as result irrational use of energy and absence of energy savings. Because of limited space, here is only presented influence of electricity price on LCC. Use of this model gives optimal investment in building energy system and steps which Serbian society must take over to yield energy and money savings.

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