The Virtual Test Bench of Medium Voltage Controlled AC Drives

E. Ahmadeev, D. Beliaev, E. Ilijin, and A. Weinger (Russia)


Simulation, controlled drive, transient analysis, power quality analysis.


Experience of development and practical use of a virtual test bench is considered. The bench includes control device of the serial medium voltage (MV) controlled drive and computer model of a drive power part: mechanism, motor, power part of a frequency converter, power supply system. Computer model is connected with real control cabinet and operates in real time. Advanced models [1] of power part elements are used in model of a power part. And a new model of induction motor is developed, taking into account skin effect in rotor bars. Correspondence between processes of the bench and processes of real operating drives is confirmed many times. But the bench gives possibility to investigate processes, those are inaccessible for investigation in real drives, especially processes while disturbances in power system. The bench is used for pre-project simulation also. This gives possibility for better choice of equipment, to provide desired steady-state regimes and transients in a drive itself and in power supply system.

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