Rule based Power Quality Analysis Tool

A. Hussain, A. Mohamed, S. Shahbudin, M.R. Mohamed, and M.H.M. Saad (Malaysia)


Power quality analysis, rule based classifier, short messaging-system, disturbance notification.


This paper describes a power quality (PQ) analysis software tool that is designed to analyze and classify PQ disturbances. The main capabilities of the PQ software include analysis of disturbance waveforms and disturbance identification of a particular type. The program initially analyses disturbance waveforms by using the fast Fourier transform and linear predictive coding techniques to extract the feature vectors for classification. The feature vectors of the disturbance waveforms are extracted and information are processed using derived rules of the expert system based classifier to automatically identify the different categories of disturbances such as voltage sag, swell, impulsive transient, oscillatory transient, repetitive notch and single notch. Another important feature of the program is that it can automatically send email or short messaging notifications upon identification of a disturbance so as to alert the system operator of a disturbance.

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