Scenarios for TSP Emissions Sources and the Assessment by Simulations of the Related Air Quality Impact, for an Iron and Steel Plant

M. Balanescu and I. Melinte (Romania)


Modelling, simulation, TSP imissions, scenarios


Romanian iron and steel industry uses, handles, stores or undertakes important amounts of raw materials, fuels, energy, gases, wastewaters and different types of wastes. In iron and steel plants are processed raw materials at high temperature and pressure, using big amounts of fuels and energy. This activity has a significant environmental impact, therefore important amounts of pollutant gases, wastewaters and wastes are produce. Currently, many Romanian iron and steel plants needs technological improvements imposed both by the necessity to improve the final products quality, and to fulfil the environmental requirements. This should be in line with European environmental standards, taking into account that Romania is now in the EU accession process. This paper presents the results of the air quality assessment obtained at Stainless Steel Plant Targoviste, for various technological upgrading scenarios. It is assessed the level of the Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) imissions inside the plant and into the nearly area. The imissions results have been comparing with the limit value imposed by legislation. The modelling of the atmospheric pollutant dispersion using ISC – AERMOD View software has been achieved. Finally, the optimal technological solution, which should fulfil the environmental requirements, could be select.

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