Modelling the Spread of Caulerpa Taxifolia in Lake Conjola, Southern NSW

L. McArthur, S. Schreider, T. Glasby, and A.A. Shabani (Australia)


Caulerpa taxifolia, dispersion, Lake Conjola, cell based model


This paper describes a simple cell based model that simu lates the spread of Caulerpa taxifolia in Lake Conjola on the south eastern coast of Australia. The model is based upon the diffusion equation and relies only on the current biomass. The principle objective is to build a model which describes the growth and spread of C. taxifolia and provides a good fit between modelled and experimental biomass data. Secondly, the model allows identification of the sig nificant biological factors of C. taxifolia and the physical and bathymetric factors of the lake that need further in vestigation in order to improve the predictive power of the model. Initial results indicate good concordance between the model and observed data of the spread of C. taxifolia.

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