Integrated Environment of Systems Automated Engineering 3. Product Oriented.

E. J. Rey, M. D. Grossi, A. C. Servetto, R. G. Martinez, G. Perichinsky


: static models, dynamic models, integrated environment, conceptual pattern.


. The Standardization of a development process for systems of medium complexity, entirely supported by an integrated development environment, could mean a double contribution to the industry of systems development. On the one hand it would contribute to the reduction of costs by shortening times of development and facilitating the maintenance of the systems. On the other hand, by using conceptual models of a high level of abstraction, final users would be able to visualize and follow the progress of systems development and to commit themselves in the process actively, guaranteeing their success. The purpose of this series of papers is to identify, design, develop and integrate the components of an integrated environment for a system automated development, starting from high-level-abstraction formal specifications. It is intended to achieve a generation of systems starting from only two models: the static or data structure model, and the dynamic or functional model. The former is based on an adaptation of the conceptual pattern of entities and relationships, and the latter on the formal specification of operations in objects relational algebra and on the finite automaton theory. The maintenance of the systems generated by the tool would be made by operating directly on the static and dynamic models, with no need for either re-coding or making reverse engineering. The strength of the proposal is based on integration of the Software Engineering and the analysis and metrics of quality. Storage protocols of data definitions and storage protocols of interface definitions corresponding to a graph, through the state transitions and their gradation so that the user could visualize the development of the life cycle[6][32][33][47]. Any artifact or document can be measured and estimated if it is produced during the software life cycle. This study is an approximation to a process of activities supported by an effective help tool. Abstraction and visualization capacities are provided to the artifacts with the system design and analysis (CASE). Such artifacts under controlled conditions trace the software life cycle taking information of the structure (framework) of the application; with Quality, Reliability and Metrics.

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