A QoS-aware Language for the Enterprise Specification of ODP Systems

B. El Ouahidi, M. Bouhdadi and D. Bourget


ODP, QoS, Enterprise Viewpoint, UML, Metamodelling


The QoS-ODP standardization initiative has led to a frame work by which QoS aware ODP systems can be modeled using five viewpoints. These viewpoints include an enter prise viewpoint, which focuses on the objectives and poli cies on the enterprise that the system is meant to support. However, several issues have to be solved in order to in crease the applicability of the QoS-ODP framework. We address in this paper the need to develop formal notations for the QoS-aware specification of the ODP en terprise viewpoint. The UML is being defined as a formal notation. Several approaches are being used in the field of the formalization of UML. For several reasons, we use the metamodelling approach to define an UML meta-model of the core QoS concepts and their relationships. This meta model is the abstract syntax of a concrete language for QoS-aware ODP enterprise specifications.

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