Automatic E-mail Classification based on Thesaurus

Y. Abuzir and F. Vandamme (Belgium)


Document Retrieval, Information Filtering and Browsing, Organizing e-mail, Thesaurus, Classification and Thesaurus Construction.


It becomes important to correctly save messages for later retrieval. Unfortunately, most mail clients only support rudimentary classification and the user must repeatedly input in which folder different mails should be saved. In this paper, we present classification and retrieval mechanisms intended to aid in the management of e-mail messages. We describe how a thesaurus-based system can simplify this task. This system provides the functions to index and retrieve a collection of e-mail messages based on thesaurus. The thesaurus is used not only for indexing and retrieving messages, but also for classifying e-mail messages. By automatically indexing the mail messages using a thesaurus, users can easily find their messages and find out the topic.

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