Design and Implementation of an XML Digital Signature for Internet E-business Applications to do Business Safely

W.-Y. Han, C.-S. Park, Y. Byun, S.-Y. Lim, and J.-H. Kang (Korea)


xml digital signature, ebXML, e business.


Common e-commerce framework specifications such as eCo, ebXML have adopted XML technology to exchange business documents between e-business applications.. [2][1]. In such common e-commerce framework environment, the e-business applications exchange XML documents describing business operations and information to do business. The XML-based e-business applications have to provide an XML digital signature service to protect property of users since digital signature acts of many countries recommend that only the trade through e-business system supporting a digital signature can be protected by law. So, XML digital signature in the XML-based e-business applications is not optional but mandatory. In this paper, we suggest a different method than one suggested in the reference [10] to implement an XML digital signature software package that provides integrity of the business document, authentication of trading partner and non-repudiation services, which are necessary for e-business. The XML digital signature package has been implemented according to the “XML digital signature syntax and processing” specification [5] of the IETF/W3C XML Signature Working Group.

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