Component Types in Software Conferations

J. Král and M. ?emli?ka (Czech Republic)


Software Confederation, Autonomous Components, Syntax-Directed Front-End Gates Abstract


Global information systems like the information systems of state administrations must very often have the structure of a peer-to-peer (P2P) network of loosely coupled perma nent autonomous services e.g. legacy systems, customized systems, etc. We shall call the peers autonomous compo nents and the whole system software confederation (SWC). SWC is a very powerful concept having many important software engineering advantages ([7, 8]). SWC is the on ly known feasible technology for the development and the maintenance of very large (global) software systems. The software engineering properties of a SWC can be substan tially enhanced if it is a network combining components of two main types: (i) application components (ApC), pro viding the main functionality, (ii) communication switch components (CSwC) providing a syntax directed flexible interface of application components and user interface, and communication switching services. We show that the two component types should play different roles (they are in some sense a programmable part of a middleware) and they use different techniques and tools.

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