Reengineering Legacy Wireless Systems to Accomodate New Technologies

G. Raghavan (USA)


Reengineering, Reusability, Software Maintenance, Mobile Systems


Mobile terminals are developed based on a simple operating environment, as compared to desktop systems, since they have very minimal resources. Memory is limited and their constraints are stringent. The first few generations of mobile phones were handling only voice calls. Later data services, like the Short Messaging Service (SMS), complemented voice-based services and enhanced communication [1]. With rapid advancements in communication technology, future mobile terminals are envisioned to support media rich applications that have high-speed audio and video capabilities. Also, future terminals are expected to work seamlessly bridging the gap between wireless radio access networks and terrestrial networks [2][3]. Consumers are always looking for an optimal form factor that would make devices fancy and small enough to be wearable. It is a challenge to accommodate more features on the device without compromising its size. Systematic reengineering techniques could be used to redesign and reuse conceptually common component, thereby providing allowance for future applications. This paper presents an approach that was used at Nokia Research Center to reengineer existing mobile systems in an efficient manner so that more applications and operating modes could be supported. The systematic approach is very simple and practical to be applied on other domains as well.

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