Software Development Process Model and Methodology for Virtual Laboratories

A. Scherp (Germany)


Software Engineering, Modelling and Simulation, Intelli gent Tutor Systems, Rational Unified Process


The existing software development process models and methodologies of the software engineering are too abstract for the development of virtual laboratories and not prof itable in practical use. The intent of this paper is to develop a software development process model with corresponding methodology, that is specifically orientated on the develop ment of a small application-class of multimedia CBT sys tems, the so-called virtual laboratories. It was not the aim to produce another development process model for an as wide as possible application-area. As basis the Rational Unified Process (RUP) was used because it is especially simple to adapt and to enlarge to a concrete application case and it already includes a roll-concept to support the heterogeneous developer team of virtual laboratories.

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