A Precise Semantics of Behavioural Properties of Analysis Patterns

A. Buccella and A. Cechich (Argentina)


Analysis Patterns • Formal Methods • Object-Oriented Analysis • Reusability


Object-oriented analysis patterns represent abstractions of good solutions to a number of highly generic processes that cut across traditional boundaries of system development and business engineering. This abstractness means that a given pattern can be used in many different applications, which makes it a valuable tool for constructing reusable software and for helping object modellers achieve more effective results. However, patterns are invariably described informally in the literature, generally using natural language together with some sort of graphical notation, which makes it very difficult to give any meaningful certification of software developed using them. In this paper, we describe a formal model of behavioural properties of analysis patterns, which can form the basis for checking a specification using patterns, and we illustrate using an example how this can be done. We also briefly discuss future work, which will extend the model to include more detailed information of patterns.

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