A Trace-based Performance Prediction Tool for Parallel Discrete Event Simulation

Z. Juhasz (Hungary/UK), S. Turner (Singapore/UK),


parallel simulation, performance prediction, critical path.


Developing parallel discrete event simulation programs is a complex task too often resulting in a disappointingly low runtime performance. Developers need performance prediction tools that are capable of providing information on the future performance of the parallel program during the design phase, prior to implementation. This paper describes such a prediction tool being developed for parallel discrete event simulation programs. Its unique feature is that it does not require the existence of the parallel program; it “simulates” the parallel execution from runtime trace information generated by a sequential simulation run. This enables one to determine, using a sequential simulation program, whether or not a parallel implementation is feasible, and if so, which approach is the best for the given simulation problem. The parallel version then only needs to be developed if proved to be successful. The paper describes the main features and structure of the analyser program.

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