A QoS-based Caching Scheme and Simulations

P. Raatikainen, M. Wikstr?m, and T. H?m?l?inen (Finland)


Caching, Algorithms, Simulation, QoS


Research of web-servers has recently addressed the problem of content distribution coupled with quality of service (QoS) issues. Due to the explosive growth of services offered over the Internet, novel mechanisms are needed for IP based service delivery to scale in a client transparent way. In this paper, we address the above described problem considering additionally utilization of the available processing power of servers. In many developed caching systems, a fixed portion of the processing power is dedicated for higher QoS services leading to lowered overall throughput of the server system. Here we introduce and simulate a QoS aware caching scheme that offers lower response delay for higher quality services and additionally optimizes utilization of the available processing power.

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