Fuzzy Handover for Hetergeneous Mobile Networks

P.M.L. Chan, Y.F. Hu, and R.E. Sheriff (UK)


: Fuzzy Logic, Handover Algorithm, Heterogeneous Networks, Multiple Objectives Decision Making.


The near-future mobile service scenario will be characterised by the integration of different mobile networks, each with distinct coverage, bandwidth and QoS characteristics, to form a single heterogeneous network. Such a scenario presents a number of challenges when considering the overall management of the network, not least when considering whether a handover from one access segment to another is necessary. This can be a complex task, as a systematic trade-off must be performed based on network dynamics, such as cost, power consumption, user requirements and the network load of the target system. This paper aims to demonstrate how fuzzy logic can be implemented during the initiation and decision phases of inter-segment handover in a heterogeneous mobile network comprising of terrestrial and satellite elements. After presenting the basis for the fuzzy logic approach to the handover algorithm two case studies are presented, representing cost and quality of service as the main user considerations when selecting a suitable access network. The results demonstrate that the fuzzy logic approach is able to adapt to various service priorities of the user and the operating parameters of the constituents of the heterogeneous network, resulting in the selection of the optimum access network.

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