Towards Taxonomy for Mobile Applications with Adaptive Behavior

I. Augustin, A.C. Yamin, J.L.V. Barbosa, and C.F. Resin Geyer (Brazil)


mobile computing, taxonomy, pervasive computing, mobility-aware, adaptive mobile applications.


The mobile computing is a new computational paradigm emerging from wireless networks and distributed system technologies. The physical and logical mobility, provided by the pervasive computing, made the need for new types of applications with built-in mobility. But, software production for global mobility is complex. Challenges include the applications design with unpredictable service levels and available resources. The concept of adaptation permits dealing with this question. In our experience with ISAM Project, we identify different forms of introducing adaptation in mobile applications. These observations were the starting point for the proposed taxonomy. Our proposal of classification is based on three points: who is responsible for the adaptation, which is the computational element subject of adaptation, and how the adaptation is made.

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