A Real-time Application for Internet and Corporate Database Access using Mobile Telephony SMS (Short Message Service)

G.M.C. de Souza and S.V. Fialho (Brazil)


SMS, Mobile Communication, Data communication, Mobile Computing, Short Message, Internet 1 –


: This paper presents an application that provides real-time access, by means of cell phones, to the Internet and to corporate databases, using the mobile telephony SMS (Short Message Service). A great number of professionals who work outside the office need to access data available either in corporate databases or on the Internet, no matter where they are. Examples can be found among vendors, policemen, health agents, webmasters and network administrators. The application described herein was designed to fulfill this need: it permits the user to query data in several corporate databases, such as client records, stock records, Social Security records and also on the Internet, in order to recover e-mails accounts, look up words in dictionaries, consult stock markets indexes or other information located on some specific Internet Web servers. During the performed tests, the total time elapsed between the query dispatch and the response arrival was measured in an interval from 5 to 12 seconds.

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