Structuring Concepts in Operating System Design

T. Peschel-Findeisen and B. Hütter (Germany)


Operating systems, distributed systems, resource manage ment, structuring concepts, objects, actors


There is a large gap between formal approaches to dis tributed systems and the efficient realizations of those sys tems. Formal approaches use structures for describing systems on a high-level of abstraction. We will show, that these structures can also be valuable for application specific operating system design, thus, leading to a more reliable and efficient system behavior. This new approach for designing distributed systems integrates activities as well as passive data objects in strong relationships. Besides various feasible dependencies, such as inheritance, visibility or the invocation graph, we present lifetime of components as the main structuring relation in this paper. Therefore, the lifetime dependencies of applica tion components will be used for operating system structur ing. Furthermore, the runtime-environment of the system will exploit the information base provided by the system structures for efficient execution of the application. Two evaluation systems prove the practical applica bility of our approach.

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