Immediate Causal Set Scheme using Agent-based Propagation Trees in Virtual Communities

H.-C. Lin and S.L. Lee (Taiwan)


: Causal ordering, distributed systems, group communication, region-tree, member-group, multicast.


This paper examines what kind of architecture is suited to virtual communities and how to maintain the “cause and effect relationship” between messages for supporting real time interactive communication in virtual communities. In view of the difficulties arising from virtual communities, we propose the Member-Group Agent (MGA) architecture where each MGA functions as a serving agent for the cor responding communication of Member-Group (MG) mem bers with common membership. In our message ordering scheme, each message sent from MGA is piggybacked on an immediate causal set, which identifies the immediate, causally prior messages upon which the message is based. The simulation results show that the immediate causal set scheme can cooperate with the proposed region-tree archi tectures well, and the proposed methods are adaptive to the scalability of the system.

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