AAN: A Highly Reflective Active Network

C. Khoury, B. Folliot, and I. Piumarta (France)


Active Networks, Architectures, Extensibility, Flex ibility, Specialize-able Virtual Machine, Runtime Code Generation


Active Networking strive to make network evolution quicker and easier by adding extensibility to the latter. However, extensibility of current prototypes rely mostly on the language used for their implementation, somehow blocking the march towards a fully flexible network. In this paper, we present the architecture and implementation of a highly extensible active network node, AAN, based on a reflective and specialize-able virtual machine. Such a plat form enables building active networks and applications, fit ting exactly their resource consumption needs. ANTS and PLAN, two of the first active networks’ prototypes, have already been implemented on this platform as a concept of proof.

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