Proposal to Extend XML Schema to Variable Element Tags Applicable to a XML Repository (

N. Klever (Germany)


XML, XML Schema, Repository, Library, Extension 2.


XML schema was published on May, 2nd 2001 as Recommendation of the W3-Consortium (W3C) [1][2][3]. XML schema builds the basis for modern electronic data processing. XML schema has the possibility to import other schemas. The presented here is a portal and name space for testing and publishing XML schema modules. Consequently the ought to be a library of basic schemas from all fields, university and scientific as also economical and industrial ones. The library itself is built from an extended schema model. Each entry in the library is catalogued in accordance with the catalogue at W3C, built upon year, month and variable name. This initially "unknown" name could not be mapped into a XML schema. An extension to the current XML schema model was necessary to map this variable element tag into a slightly extended schema model. This extension is discussed here, together with the itself.

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