Software Engineering Methods for the Re-use of Existing Components in Educational Systems

A. Harrer (Germany)


Software engineering, Educational Applications, ITS


Developing intelligent tutoring systems from scratch every time you change the platform or exchange the knowledge domain is an enormous effort both in time as in cost. We’d like to introduce methods from software engineering into the AIED–community (Artifical Intelligence in Education) that can help to reduce the amount of resources that has to be put into the maintenance of educational systems when the requirements change (such as porting the system from one specific platform to a web–based system or extending its functionality). We’ll present techniques for the re–use of essential parts of large existing systems that are difficult to change (called legacy systems), as well as approaches to provide a general structure and concrete components for specific uses, which can simply be used in (plugged into) new systems. We also show the possibility of restructur ing existing design and implementation to introduce new functionality and increase flexibility more easily.

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