Automatic Object-Oriented Code Generation to Power System On-line Optimization and Analysis

I. Džafić (Bosnia), S. Tešnjak (Croatia), and M. Glavić (Belgium)


Power System, Object-Oriented Programming, On-Line Analysis and Optimization, Automatic Code Generation, SymbolicComputation


This paper addresses issues of application devel opment for power system on-line optimization and analysis. The main goal of this paper is to provide unique way to power system application composition in a very simple man ner. In order to obtain simplicity, a tool for automatic code generation is developed. This tool enables users to enter mathematical optimization model of power system in natural form, test that model, and generate code to be built into ex ecutable stand-alone application. Since the code-generator application is dedicated to power system analysis it is equipped with special modules that convert power system input data formats (such as CF and PTI) into format sup ported by the code-generator tool itself. The application for power system code generation is equipped with module for symbolical derivative information generation. Symbolical module is used for automatic code generation of Jacobian and first derivatives needed to generate optimization condi tions. Thus, the user does not spend time on manual pro gramming but on designing proper optimization model of power system. Furthermore, complete software design proc ess from initial idea to implementation is faster and less er ror prone.

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