Temperature Maintenance of the Aluminum Chlorine Battery

C.W. Gullikson (USA)


Aluminum Chlorine Battery, Electric Car Battery.


The aluminum chlorine battery, patented in the early 70’s, is classified as a molten-salt formation cell. It has valuable potential for commercial use, including such characteristics as low cost, lightweight and high energy density. However, because its operating temperature must be generally in the range 125-200 deg C, it would be desirable to provide a passive insulation enclosure for the battery. Specifically, in an electric car application, a vehicle could be parked for an extended period without the need for external power to maintain the necessary operating temperature. Preliminary experiments at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, Arizona, using a model battery surrounded by an enclosure which is insulated from the battery by a vacuum/multilayer insulation interspace, have shown encouraging results. The model battery temperature can be maintained within the 175-150 deg C range for an 8 hour period. Increasing the size of the model battery could extend this time to at least 24 hours. Further experiments are planned, but the future of the aluminum battery as a commercial product depends heavily upon the transition of its current test-tube model into an engineering prototype. The passive insulation experimental data stand as strong support for such a project.

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