A New Parallel Finite Element Technique for Simulation of Floating Objects

J. Abedi and S. Aliabadi (USA)


Finite Element Method, Parallel Simulation, Free-Surface Flows, Wave Simulation, Simulation of Floating Objects, Mooring Forces.


A new finite element technique for numerical simulation of floatation is developed. This new simulation technology accurately predicts the most stable configurations for floatation. In our approach, the governing equations are the Navier-Stokes equations written for two incompressible fluids, air and water. An interface function with two distinct values serves as a marker identifying the location of the interface. The numerical method is based on writing stabilized finite element formulations in an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian frame. This allows us to handle the motion of the physical boundaries resulting from floating objects by moving the computational nodes. In the mesh-moving schemes, we assume that the computational domain is made of elastic materials. The linear elasticity equations are solved to obtain the displacements. In order to update the position of the floating object the nonlinear rigid body dynamics equations are coupled with governing equations of fluid flow and are solved simultaneously. The 3D numerical example includes the vertical stability of a floating box and simulation of wave impacting on a moored model boat.

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