GIS-knowledge based Environmental Modelling at Differenct Hierarchical Levels

N. Suryana, D. Ngo Chek Ling (Malaysia), and A.C. Imeson (Netherlands)


Inference, hierarchical observation, inductive environmental modelling.


The research reported in this paper is to establish basic mapping units in GIS that allow the definition of repeatable hierarchical observation. The mapping units serve as a basis for inductive environmental modelling, incorporating expert knowledge-based inference rules. The inductive environmental modelling follows a multi-scale approach implemented in a GIS environment. The discussion of this paper is focused on the role of the interpreted Terrain Mapping Unit (TMU), defined as a natural division of the terrain, in the hierarchical observation providing input for a GIS Based Inductive Environmental Model. This model is bottom-up approach which has been proposed as an alternative to the traditional, top-down approach model. Environmental degradation predicted by the IEM is considered as an active or dynamic attribute of the TMUs. By definition a TMU inherently provides erosion formation factors. The concept of complex TMUs allows the establishment of different hierarchical levels. The aggregation levels are related to point observations, farmer's field level (FFL) and lager parts of the terrain. In this regard, the FFL is considered as a suitable basic functional unit to describe environmental degradation at local level.

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