Intelligent Agents and E-business for E-learning

L. Slusky and P. Partow (USA)


Knowledge management, e-learning, intelligent agents, ebusiness


This paper focuses on the role of Intelligent Agents (IAs) and E-Business concepts, such as Consumer Buying Behavior (CBB), in promoting IA-mediated E-Learning and enhancing the effectiveness of E-learning Service Providers (ESPs). As a subclass of Distributed Learning and E-Business, E-Learning can be significantly enhanced with concepts and tools of E-Business applied to distributed learning systems. Specifically, the paper analyzes IAs capabilities for Knowledge Management (KM) and six stages of CBB to identify the roles of IAs as mediators in e-learning: need identification, content brokering, ESP brokering, negotiation, registration (content purchase) and delivery, content service and post implementation evaluation.

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