Multimedia Environment Support for the Interactive Education Process: A Case Study in Higher Education

F.E.G. de Deus, H. Abdalla, Jr., L.F. Ramos Molinaro, P. Ovídio I. Guimarães, R. Tadeu do Prado Sobral (Brazil)


Videostreaming, videoconferencing,web-based learning, authoring software


The objective of this study is to discuss the model adopted for Distance Education by the University of Brasília, Brazil, in the Núcleo de Multimídia e Internet (NMI), which utilizes an integrated media environment consisting of videoconferencing, the Internet, and other complementary means of communication. The proposed environment is based on the principle of availability of band pass to allow real time interactivity and good quality in a two-way transmission. Videoconferencing, due to its real time interactivity, is the class scenario where the educational strategy is developed and the instructor stimulates the learning process. The Internet’s role is to offer campus services in an efficient manner, which includes the following main activities: Bulletin Board, Message, E-mail, Discussion groups, and Classes on the Web. With the objective of increasing the level and speed of assimilation by creating a more efficient and enjoyable learning process, multiple media are used to help the student reach an appropriate level of understanding the topics addressed. The content of the educational program is complemented with practical applications, visualization of complex phenomena, virtual laboratories, animation, and the use of auto assisted simulation applications. Throughout the article, the technological solutions found by the NMI for the various segments of the proposed distance education environment are discussed. The following topics are addressed: • Videoconferencing • Videostreaming • Web-based learning environment • Authoring software • Integration of Procedures and Routines for the various media utilized And finally, the article comments on the evolving trends of the implemented environment and the main difficulties found in integrating the traditional educational process and the new interactive techniques.

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