FairsNet: A Virtual Environment for Supporting Business Education

A. D'Atri, O. Missikoff, and E. Pauselli (Italy)


Education, virtual trade fairs, learning by-doing, web information services, virtual enterprises.


The FairWIS project, ended in Dec. 2001, developed a web based system for the management of real and virtual trade fairs. During the project, and trough the cooperation with a Foundation (IGstudents), it emerged the need of the customization of the available system as an educational environment. In fact, a version of it has appeared very suitable for helping micro enterprises of high school and university students to carry out their business activity within the IG students yearly programme, extensively described in the paper. A previous project named FairWIS has produced a software prototype which will be customized and validated during a take-up action founded by the European Commission IST Programme. During this trial (named FairsNet), the contribution of the IGstudents Foundation will be enhanced, and therefore the educational value of the system will be improved. In the conclusions, a further step will be proposed for stimulating the students’ enterprises, involved in the IGstudents programme, to set and develop cooperation, thus moving towards the “virtual enterprise” model.

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