Distributed Application Architectural Prototypes - An Internet-based Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Game and an Internet-based Calculator for an Industrial Ecology Prototype

S. Ramakrishnan (Australia)


Distributed application architecture, Two-tier, three-tier architecture, Software performance, scalability, Application Server


This paper presents the use of advanced technology in education in two projects and highlights the two-tier and three-tier distributed application architectural prototypes in : i) an internet-based greenhouse gas emission trading game and ii) an internet-based prototype calculator that calculates the global warming effect for 2 scenarios (including and excluding SF6) in the production of Magnesium. As software architects, we have focussed on performance issues especially when developing architectural blue prints for distributed client-server Java applications. Typically such distributed applications require frequent client server communication and use model-view controller (MVC) as the paradigm for building such systems. We have reduced the number of calls sent and the protocol of communication between the client and server in building the architectural prototype for an internet-based greenhouse gas emissions trading game example. With server-side Java's performance, one of the critical requirements is determining memory usage. It is important to know how much memory the server will require to service the heaviest user queries. We have built the internet-based calculator with a 3-tier architecture with J2EE server and Cloudscape database. Work is in progress to use the performance metrics gathered from these two prototypes in making informed design decisions on larger applications using EJBs and WebSphere Application Server.

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