LES: A Web-based Learning Evaluation System

A. Cavallo and E. Pauselli (Italy)


evaluation, internet-based educationaland training systems, and educational software


The ICT-based education makes more effective the University's course management, with respect to the learning evaluation process. This paper describes a web based learning evaluation environment that offers the self-evaluation, the formative and the summative one, trying to preserve the integrity of the face-to-face exam evaluation criteria. This work describes the web-based prototype of the Learning Evaluation System (LES) and its validation phase. The system architecture is client server and the database design is the result of the Entity Relationship data modeling. For the LES validation phase, it has been arranged more than three thousands test questions related to the university course titled Business Information System (BIS). The first LES trial has showed to be effective both for the student and the teacher.

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