Data Modeling for School Timetabling - A Case Study

A.C.M. Kwan, K.C.K. Chung, and K.K.K. Yip (PRC)


Databases, Timetabling


Most timetabling research has been focused on devising efficient algorithms for tackling the problem, leaving little attention to data modeling and representation issues. As modern education demands sophisticated curriculum design that involves complicated timetabling requirements, there is a need for having a flexible yet efficient data schema for representing timetabling requirements. In this paper, we address this issue by first describing the timetabling requirements for schools in Hong Kong and a proposal of how those requirements can be modeled, followed by a relational database design for the purpose. A revised version of the design has been adopted by a local education authority for the timetabling module of its developing school administrative system, which is planned to be used by more than 1,200 schools.

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