Design and Development of a Communication System Online Course in Undergraduation Program

C. Da Rocha Brito, M.M. Ciampi, and A. Botari (Brazil)


web-based education, on-line, communication, modules.


Facing the Education Paradigms the Graduation courses have been gradually using the World Wide Web (WWW) and the new technologies, which tools, in order to propitiate contextualization and modernization of the teaching/learning process. The big quality jump of Distance Learning penetrates the century XXI and represents as one of the pillars of the new educational paradigms for the Brazilian higher education. An unusual experience in education took place in University Center of Lusiada, when the coordinating team of Engineering College has introduced an online course in the curriculum of one of the traditional Undergraduation course the Computer Engineering Course. The first course chosen was Digital Systems and with its success another course has been introduced, the Communication Systems. For such it is available to the students of the course all the synchronous and asynchronous tools existent in the University. Through the page in the Internet it is possible the access to the whole content of the course in individual modules and in sequence. These modules count with introductory elements, theory, and development through examples, interactive simulations and exercises. In a country of continental proportions like Brazil, the Distance Learning, is not only leaning as an alternative for the traditional teaching, and principally, as a need to provide quality education for a growing demand in a geographically disperse land.

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