Object-oriented Modeling of Spatio-temporal Dance Data

S. Kalajdziski, V. Trajkovic, and D. Davcev (Macedonia)


Dance Database Design, Labanotation, Design and Implementation


In this paper, we focus on micro level spatio-temporal characteristics of dance incorporated in Labanotation representation of dance, which will serve us as an efficient index for retrieval of video dance data. On micro level, that is essential for dance analysis and learning, body parts of the dancer take different positions in space during performing movement pose. Object – oriented modeling techniques like Unified Modeling Language (UML) captures the spatio-temporal characteristics of Dance data. In this way, it is relatively easy to establish algorithms for transforming one kind of dance representation into other. These different representations are the key for establishing easy and efficient retrieval of dance data from dance database. With an example, we show the retrieval process based on Labanotation index. The indexing process is done on three Macedonian folk dances: “Aramisko oro”, “Beranche” and “Berovka”. The search process is based on graphical or textual queries.

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