The Use of Computers and Advanced Technology in Electrical Engineering Laboratory Exercises

S. Kuusiluoma, T. Keikko, and L. Korpinen (Finland)


Computer-assisted Learning and Instruction, University Education.


Laboratory exercises have always had a significant role in teaching electrical engineering. With them, students have a feel of how things work in the reality. This supports learning and enhances the motivation of students in the taught subjects. The aim of this paper is to show how the possibilities of modern technology are applied in the teaching of electrical engineering at Tampere University of Technology (TUT) in Department of Electrical Engineering. The exercises presented in this paper are the programmable logic, harmonics and disturbance in industrial networks and magnetic field measurement. The possibilities of using computers and other advanced technologies have met well with the expectations of the teachers and the students. New ways of using modern technologies in the laboratory exercises are continuously invented and implemented. So far the experiences have been mainly positive.

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