Sharing Toys on the Electronic Playground: Documenting Collaborative Classroom Interactions

J. Cohen, J. Dai, M. Wu, T. Wu, and M. Klawe (Canada)


collaborative learning, social and digital correlation


Traditional approaches to Human-Computer Interactions are found lacking when applied to collaborative systems to be situated in the classroom. Observations, data capture, and analysis methods that focus primarily on the digital domain cannot hope to adequately facilitate the verbal and non-verbal interactions of peer-to-peer learning. This paper presents video capture and analysis methodology that enables the correlation of digital and social events in the context of educational computer games. PrimeClimb, developed by E-GEMS Research, is a two player collaborative environment that aims to promote peer-to-peer discussion about math for elementary school children. This paper presents the video capture methodology used in a study conducted with PrimeClimb – methodology borrowed from past research in ethnography and math education research.

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