S. Karungaru, M. Fukumi, and N. Akamatsu (Japan)
Illuminants, color compensation, normalization.
Skin color has and is being used by many researchers as a useful feature in the development of face detection, recognition and information systems. Skin color not only provides more information about the face, it is also rotational invariant and fast to detect and process. However, skin color is not illumination invariant. We propose to normalize skin color under varying illumination using a graphical method under any type of scene illumination. Under a given illumination, skin color occupies a well-defined region in certain color systems like YIQ, YCrCb etc and therefore can be easily detected using threshold techniques. When a scene illuminant changes, the skin color changes to a different color, but the skin color can still be detected if the threshold were adjusted. This information can be mapped and used to compensate for skin color changes under any illuminant.
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