Internet-based Pattern Classification of Multichannel Human Electrogastrograms

S. Zhao, C.P. Sanmiguel, D. Sadowski, K.L. Bowes, and M.P. Mintchev (Canada)


Electrogastrography, Telemedicine, Servlets, Database Systems.


The Internet has been used as a major information resource in the area of telemedicine. Using the Internet technology, we have developed a distributed telemedical digital signal processing and database application in the area of electrogastrography (EGG). The aim of this paper is to present an Internet-based system for storage, analysis and classification of human EGG. The system was implemented using Java programming language and Client/Server technology. Advanced digital signal processing algorithms were also incorporated. The system allows the user to submit and classify their own EGG records and view on the Internet the plots and the statistical results stemming from the analysis. Classified abnormal EGG patterns that are associated with pre diagnosed gastric disorders are stored in an open architecture EGG database. Thus, growing worldwide evidence for the clinical utility of EGG could be collected, maintained and expanded. The study attempts to quantitatively relate abnormal EGG patterns to various clinical conditions.

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