Gestural Language Multimedia Application

A. Lopes and J. Valente (Portugal)


Multimedia; Gestural Language; Learning; Stories


In the last two decades, the success of the diagnosis of diseases of the cognitive forum has considerably increased. In part, this is due to the accessibility of available tools that already involve the use of new technologies and software, and also the use of criterions that fulfills the psychometric requirements. However, in terms of auxiliary therapy, the resources are scarce and generally complex for the users. In this project, we have developed a multimedia tool that will aid the auditory handicapped children to learn and improve the gestural language. We tell an infantile story with the intention to go into the child’s imaginary making her to wake up to the gesture meaning and understand it as a communication way between people. With this tool we intend to contribute for the fulfillment of some existent gaps, in didactic terms, concerning the existent software in the market to help children with cognitive handicap as well as their teachers and parents. [1], [2]

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