The Design of Web-based DRM System for Protecting Web Contents in Platform Independency

S.-H. Kim and D.-J. Hwang (Korea)


DRMS, IPR,ARPA, XML,JAVA, Copyrights, xml, xsl.


We currently live in the age based on knowledges and information in the 21st century. It is a computer that provides power, which can lead the new wave of informations. The digitalization of information is expressed as the digital revolution. Recently, there is more and more increasing digital contents consumption because of developing rapidly Internet Communication and Network technologies. Nevertheless, We can find it many problems. For example, Creators of raw contents have troubled in imprudent use, illegal reproduction, copy and cracking software. It has recently been hot-issues that it was not sufficient to provide regulation and copyright laws to protect digital contents. It can be defined Digital Contents that include text, audio, video, metadata, information file, a various creation object, etc.. If uses of legal digital contents have sufficient DRM (Digital Right Management) System, contents provider will be protected provider’s copyright rights. ARPA is based-on agent modules of keep an eye on digital contents. This paper will be suggested some kinds of function of a various of ARPA Mechanism and Web Contents Protection.

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