Dynamic Web Caching

A. Munaretto (France), M. Fonseca (France/Brazil), and N. Agoulmine (France/Canada/Brazil)


Web, Cache, QoS, and Dynamic Services.


The huge increase of the traffic in the Internet due to the exponential growth of user’s interactions with web servers is creating a lot of bottlenecks. As a consequence, users commonly experience high delay when accessing these web pages and even more aborting or resetting connection with of real time audio and video servers. At the same time, ISPs who are willing to offer better connectivity service to customer are seeing their resources being overused by http traffic although they have several times tried to over provisioning their network. In fact, more resources available, more users are using these resources. One popular solution is to cache frequently used information in intermediate specific nodes to allow their retrieval without passing the entire network. However, the performance of caching highly depends on the configuration parameters and the user or the server application’s behaviour. In this paper, we investigate a new caching approach based on active code in order to provide more flexibility and dynamicity in web caching. This proposal takes advantage from the flexibility of the active technology to render active cache adaptable to users’ and applications’ behaviour and to permit more efficient interactions between these caches.

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